
REMONDIS Aqua Company locations

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REMONDIS Group locations

Discover the world of REMONDIS with its 1,000+ branches and associated companies in more than 30 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.


A jetty in water

About us

You’ll find REMONDIS Aqua wherever there’s water

Out of love for water – and good customer relationships

REMONDIS Aqua is the company to contact within the international REMONDIS Group for all things water. With a strong sense of what our customers need and wish to have, our focus is on creating bespoke partnerships on equal terms. Thanks to our extensive know-how and wide range of technologies, we are able to cover all commercial and technological aspects of water management. Both local authorities benefit from this expertise as does industry, with many companies being among our customers and partners.

No matter how big or small the task or how extensive the collaboration work – what’s important for us is to work with our customers as partners and provide them with a personal service. That means not simply giving them some off-the-peg solution but an offering that meets their exact needs – and delivers the greatest possible environmental and economic benefits and long-term security at the same time.

Two cornerstones of our philosophy:

Resource conservation & climate action – A part of our business from start to finish

As with the REMONDIS Group as a whole, REMONDIS Aqua’s goal is to conserve natural resources and help curb climate change. All of our services and all of the processes we use help to preserve raw materials for future generations. This not only includes water but many other valuable resources as well – such as phosphorus, a raw material vital for all living organisms. Moreover, we play a key role in cutting carbon emissions by producing climate-friendly energy without using any fossil fuels.

Our sewage sludge recycling operations alone cut CO2-equivalent emissions by 400,000 tonnes a year, helping to mitigate climate change

This is equivalent to the positive impact that 290 wind turbines have on our climate. Making sure that our own operations are climate friendly is just as important as ensuring that our services help drive forward climate action. Every day, we work towards achieving our goal of being a climate-neutral business over the medium to long term. And, of course, we’re always fired up – or perhaps watered up – to support local authorities and companies that are pursuing the same goal.

REMONDIS Aqua – a few facts & figures


of drinking water pipe networks


of sewer pipe networks

400,000 t/a

of carbon savings

2.0 million t/a

of material streams, incl. sewage sludge

50 million m³/a

of processed drinking water

89 million m³/a

of treated wastewater


Drinking water processing plants


Sewage treatment plants worldwide

No matter how big or how small the task – We’re always a reliable partner

REMONDIS Aqua is the company to turn to both on the local and global stage when it comes to the valuable resource water. On the one hand, our subsidiary EURAWASSER provides municipal services, from general public sector tasks all the way through to individual services for local residents. Besides supplying drinking water and treating wastewater, we also deliver other essential public services in the areas of transport and energy – for example as public private partnerships and with the support of the REMONDIS network. On the other hand, we are spearheading the way and helping to drive forward climate action with our many international activities. Also – and especially – in regions where there is still much potential to do this. One of the best examples of this is our commitment in India where we help industrial firms to use Zero Liquid Discharge systems so they can manufacture products without generating wastewater.

We have our own subsidiary in the Netherlands: REM Aqua B.V.

Spearheading innovations and digitisation

We have always been innovators here at REMONDIS Aqua, developing ideas and bringing them to market on behalf of our customers. This was, for example, how our patented TetraPhos® system came about – a pioneering process for recovering phosphorus that is already being used on an industrial scale. Such successes, though, are definitely not a reason for us to sit back and relax. On the contrary. We’re constantly working on developing new technologies for and with our customers, especially in the area of digitisation. And we’re always happy when there’s a countercurrent exchange. In other words, we’re always open to getting ideas from outside the company and really enjoy working with our customers to identify problems and then develop solutions. And preferably in record time. Which is why we’ve set up our own innovation HUB here at REMONDIS that is dedicated to research & development.

Nobody is an island. Especially when it involves water.

Responsibility doesn’t end at our own front door. On the contrary, that’s where it begins. Being an international circular economy company, we are well aware of the key role we play, for example, in helping to ensure the goals of the European Green Deal are met. At the same time, we know that no company – no matter how big or how innovative – can do everything by itself. Which is why we make a point of swapping ideas with educators, scientists and politicians.

And we have also set up partnerships with the universities of Dresden, Leipzig and Münster. Furthermore, we work with trade associations, such as the DWA and BDEW, in a voluntary capacity in order to develop solutions with decision-makers at local, state and national level to drive forward sustainability and climate action.